Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Revolution!!!! REALLY??????

I saw this comment on the JLL blog this AM in  relation to if Article X comes to CV and preempts our local zoning laws of wind development.  I was really  amused by this "silent type" comment bluster, and ther others talking big talk about what they will do.

"Recently, A well respected-silent majority type Cape Vincent resident and business person commented to me, "If they try to overrule our local laws, I promise a revolution."

REALLY?????   Well if you have been silent this long (6 years +) while industrial wind has been raping our community, I doubt seriously you will stand up now and create any kind of revolution or anything else.  It doesn't appear you are wired to do anything of the sort. 

My question is, where have you been?  What exactly does it take in this community for some people to understand what is happening to us at the hands of giant corporations and nit wit politicians that support them.

Is this what it takes?  We have to wait till BP a giant energy corp is on our doorstep with the  state, and their giant expanded indisutrial wind disaster loaded on the trucks coming down the CV roads...then we will get upset.  Unbelievable!

I about we wait till the turbines are actually up...then start raissing a fuss and a revolution.

This kind of thinking absolutely boggles my mind!  It's the same thing that spurs on all the anonymous comments on the blogs.  And all this being afraid to speak up with your name is EXACTLY what makes the wind developers successful.  They spread fear in every community they touch as the real controlling mechanism.  They realize that the mantra will be that we all have to be "reasonable" and that they can steam roll these communities like ours because if there dare be a revolution will be far to late to have any impact. Nice respectable, responsible, people don't start revolutions.  They know we are wired from elementary schoolto sit quietly and don't make a fuss or stand out.

To every person who does not want BP in this community, every time you sign something anonymous or won't speak give one more small victory to the wind developers.  YOU make it all possible!!!! I don't think so. I can't even utter the words "wind turbine ban" in this community without a lot of people getting their underware all in a bunch over it.   Revolution is one hell of alot more radical that that!

You don't start a damn revolution with letters, and zoning laws, and comment periods and letters and hearings.  When the Article X board comes to town all you are likely to do is work within the confines of the system and go to meetings, and public hearings, and speak nicely and politlely to the commissioners, and talk about your studies and research, and compromise, as your community gets suckedright down into BP's industrial wind hell hole!!!


  1. So, I guess that means you won't attend any public meetings on the new laws, eh? Gonna just stay home and mock out everyone else?

  2. 7:19

    What exactly would be the point. I don't see where any major changes are going to be made to the law as a result of any meetings or public hearings. It was pretty much a done deal since last Nov, and actually long before that if you know anything about the people involved.

    Besides the zoning committee already made that point for me by out right rejecting two long papers I submitted on zoning and comp planning. So what would be the point of going to meetings they could outright reject more of my input? You can go back in the archives of this blog where i posted both of those papers.

    I may be critical of people at times but I am not an official committee that singled out one citizen and refused their onput simply because they don't like that person.

    You see what you don't get is that apparently to have your input taken you can't say anything critical of the work or committee.

    Watch the events of the next few weeks and you come back here and tell me what major changes, or any changes that were made tot he comp plan or zoning..won't be many, and they won't be significant.

    So what do you actually think is going to be accomplished at these meetings and what are YOU going to say?

    I have already had my say right here and that would be to prohibit wind turbines in CV and we know that is not going to happen.

    So now it's a done deal we cross our fingers and beg that Article X will have mercy on us.

    And for the record I have already said here before that I thought overall despite my disagreements with the wind and solar I thought the rest of the comp plan and zoning was good work, and I applaud the committees for that work.

  3. Fair enough. It was not easy reading what you say on this blog anyway. I had to force myself to do it. Over and out.

  4. Sorry 2:08 that you had to do a little in depth reading on this blog. Not everything life is a one liner comment. The CV wind issue is a detailed and complex issue.

    For example getting the AG to investigate our town was not done overnight. It entailed a great deal of hard work and research over time by a number of people.

    And you skipped over my question as to what do you think the upcoming meetings and hearing will actually accomplish?

    What will you say or write?
