Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Overly Burdensome

These are the  new Article X buzz words describing any wind zoning that is too restrictive to allow a wind developer to rape any community they wish. Of course nobody has a freakin clue what this code word dribble actually means, or can explain it.  Yet we are running around in a panic with setback wind laws trying to figure out what this all means and we are proposing policies on all this when we actually don't have a clue what this means.  You will only finally understand what it means far too late when you are forced to use an industrial wind turbine as a community suppository, if you get my drift.

Now let me give you a clearer definition.

Overly Burdensome = I am a wind developer here to destroy your community.  Oh, I might be warm and fuzzy for the PR and patronize a few of your ridiculous setbacks so you think you actually have some control of your fate. You'll  get to have a couple people on a siting board as if it matters.  I might give up a turbine or two for a turtle or a bird here or there, but do not be fooled...I AM here to rape and destroy your community, and I don't really give a damn what  your wind law says and neither does our buddy Gov. Cuomo.

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